Returns of non-personalized full-price items, must be requested via email at within 14 days of delivery.
The item(s) must reach us within 28 days of the order delivery date, and must include a note of the order number inside, so we know who to refund.
All products must be returned UNWORN and UNDAMAGED in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING - if not your return will be refused.
All return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer.
All return shipments must be sent with “Signature Required” for any carrier used. Please provide us with a tracking number upon shipping.
Original shipping charges are non-refundable.
If you had free shipping and by returning the item(s) you would have not been eligible for free shipping, the shipping cost will be deducted from your refund.
If you received discounts or free items and by returning the item(s) you would have not been eligible, you will have to return the free item as well, and the discount would also be deducted from your refund.
Refunds are not guaranteed and are subject to our review of the returned product.
If you have damaged your items or they show signs of wear we cannot accept a return - they must be in a resalable condition.
Find all the details in our Returns Policy